Team Rules - World of Warcraft |
1. No abuse of any kind will be tolerated, any members found doing so in guild / ventrilo will be kicked.
2. Try and help noobs when they join, remember you were once a noob as well!
3. Any money or gifts provided when joining the guild will be returned or repayed if a member does not last at least one month in the guild.
4. When grouping with other guild members be sure to keep lower level members out of harms way and remember when people help you to do the same in return!!!
5. Taking items from the guild bank is permitted, however taking things without reason or stealing from other members is forbidden.
6. Guild members must NOT overcharge other guild members for items they may be selling, please charge a fair price (or less!) for items. Guild members do not charge pay tips to other guild members.
7. Official guild raids will occur regularly and will be posted in the WoW forums & in game calendar with plenty of prior notice, allowing people to suggest what they want to do and confirm attendance.
8. Failure to abide by the above rules will result in you being removed from the guild.
9. Remember it is a game, so above all have fun! |
Copyright ©2002-2025 Alex Galbraith
Version 2.2 Build 10 |