General Information - World of Warcraft |
Our World of Warcraft guild consists of two end game guilds spanning two EU servers. We are accepting level 80 players (and their alts) of all abilities and are focused around gearing up to take on the end game dungeons, in a relaxed and mature manner. We also have our own ventrilo server for in game comms, which is available to all members 24/7.
< Grace > is our Horde World of Warcraft guild on Draenor (EU) and has over 30 level 80 members. < Grace > is GM'd by Nhumrod aka Demonboy. We are currently running ICC 10 on wednesday and thursdays
< Eminent > is our Horde World of Warcraft guild on Frostwhisper (EU). < Eminent > is GM'd by Sísqo aka Mashy.
We also have a third, eponymous World of Warcraft Alliance guild < Sent From Hell >, which is also on Draenor (EU), and is currently on hold awaiting someone to run it.
If you would like to join one of our World of Warcraft guilds, then register on the forums and sign up here: CLICK HERE TO APPLY!!!
ToC 10 Cleared by < Grace > |
Stupid me, forgot to get a screenshot, but yes we defeated Anub'arak around 11.50 on Mon 26th Oct 2009 with only a single wipe in the whole raid (on the faction champions). Well done to all involved! |
Naxx 25 Cleared by < Grace > |
Oops! Forgot to post this one ages ago but yes we did it! No point posting a picture as it would look the same... |
Naxx 10 Cleared by < Grace > |
On only our second Naxx 10 attempt, < Grace >, with the assistance of a couple of PUGs.
There were very few wipes, even on the trickier bosses, then after taking Sapphiron on the 1st attempt, we then downed Kel'Thuzad on attempt two @ 2.30am, Fri 31st July 2009...
Well played all, and particluar thanks to Mööh, our PUG tank/healer who went through the taccys like a trooper on vent, and Jaq, who did the same... also particularly well played to Sang who was tanking most of these bosses for the first time!
Copyright ©2002-2025 Alex Galbraith
Version 2.2 Build 10 |