UK multigaming clan. Counter Strike Clan, Dawn of War Dark Crusade Clan, Company of Heroes Clan, Battlefield 2142 Clan, Day of Defeat Clan & Star Wars Galaxies Forum/Guild.
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General Information - Counter-Strike

|SFH| Custom map pack!
3 Comments Posted 27/08/2006 by Dud.TraP
Last edited 06/10/2006 by Demonboy

Server Stats - StatsMe Top 15
4 Comments Posted 23/07/2006 by Sirwomble
Last edited 07/08/2006 by Demonboy

Update - April 2006
0 Comments Posted 28/04/2006 by Demonboy

New Psychostats Added!
0 Comments Posted 15/02/2006 by Demonboy
Last edited 16/02/2006 by Demonboy

Holyman is no more...
0 Comments Posted 25/01/2006 by Demonboy
Last edited 25/01/2006 by Demonboy

Trialists and New Members
0 Comments Posted 21/10/2005 by ScotzMan
Last edited 25/01/2006 by Demonboy

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