General Clan Information |
|SFH| Sent From Hell formed in June 2002 and over 20 years later, we're still going strong!!! Over the years, over 100,000 people have played on our servers! Being an old clan, we are mostly between the ages of 20 and 65! Our roots lie in Counter Strike rats maps but we have expanded into many other games over the years. We're mostly interested in action, strategy and MMO games. The games we have expanded into include Counter Strike : Source, Company of Heroes, Dawn of War : Winter Assault / Dark Crusade, Battlefield 2142, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan and Guild Wars.
We are not actively recruiting, but still bring on the odd new member. If you want to be an odd new member, please click on the link below to visit our recruitment page and apply.
A wee update... |
As you may be able to tell from if you've not been here for a while, we've actually done a wee tidy up of the site for the first time in many, MANY, years! To simplify things, all existing members can now be found under the Honourary page and we've removed some of the old team pages to keep things much cleaner (with the exception of our classic, original Counter-Strike team page (for nostalgic purposes only!).
21 years on and much grey hair, babies and real jobs later, we are very much still going strong, with many of us getting together at least once every fortnight for gaming and beers! We've even relaxed our 18+ minimum age as several of our kids now play regularly with the clan! 🤯
Here's to 21 more (and the next generation of |SFH|)! 🍻🎉 |
Server Migration and Sponsorship |
Our servers are moving! Due to the incredible generosity of the people at Beatnik Games (makers of Plain Sight) our servers are now moving. The new server details are as follows:
Counter Strike Source GunGame Addr: beatnik.sentfromhell.com:27050 IP:
Counter Strike Source Surfs Up! Addr: beatnik.sentfromhell.com:27055 IP:
Counter Strike 1.6 Rats Maps Addr: beatnik.sentfromhell.com:27015 IP:
Counter Strike 1.6 Customs & Classics Public Addr: beatnik.sentfromhell.com:27016 IP:
Counter Strike 1.6 GunGame Addr: beatnik.sentfromhell.com:27030 IP:
For further details, see our server page: Clan Game Servers
WoW Cataclysm Released! |
The long awaited release of the third WoW Expansion, Cataclysm (or Cata) was released today. Many shops were open at midnight on the first night to allow gamers to purchase and get playing straight away, as well as soak up the excitement.
This will surely reinvigorate the game, which has seen falling numbers over the past year or so, with users getting bored or frustrated with the stagnant content.
As part of the release, |SFH| will be restarting the Grace (EU-Draenor Horde) WoW guild giving everyone the opportunity to level up with like minded, mature individuals. To join grace, simply click the link below and register for an invite.
Merger with GOGZ |
We are pleased to announce that |SFH| has now merged with a very well known UK CS Source community called GOGZ (Grumpy Old Gamerz). As part of this merger, GOGZ will now be moving to |SFH| servers and forums. We also will be providing web and in game comms via Ventrilo. Details can be found in the private clan members sections of the forums.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we have two new CSS game servers (migrating from the GOGz ones), in addition to our classic CSS box:
Classic CS Source UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh1.sentfromhell.com:27019 IP:
Rats and Fun UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh2.sentfromhell.com:27050 IP:
Jail Server UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh2.sentfromhell.com:27055 IP: Please can all new members register on the forums and post on the recruitment section to announce yourselves... 
In other news, we are now running Psychostats on all our CS and CSS servers. See here for your ranking:
WoW Guild and GoW 2 Clan Mergers |
We are pleased to announce that |SFH| has now merged with two EU WoW guilds to provide resources and a community on both Draenor and Frostwhisper servers (EU).
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we have merged with d2p - a highly skilled Xbox 360 GoW 2 clan, who plan to compete at the highest levels in the name of |SFH|!
As part of this we will be providing web and in game comms via Ventrilo. Details can be found in the private clan members sections of the forums.
Please can all members register on the forums and post on the recruitment section to announce yourselves... 
WoW Patch 3.2 Release Imminent |
With the release of the new patch 3.2 for WoW WOTLK due in the next few days, we thought we would highlight some of the biggest changes. For detailed info see the patch wiki here.
Apart from the usual rebalancing, nerfing etc on the player classes, alot of the updates seem to be focused around increasing levelling speeds (including earlier mounts / fast forms, plus quest help on the world maps), likely to make people ready for the next expansion, possibly entitled Cataclysm.
Here is a list of a few of the highlights:
General =====
- Portal areas in all major cities now offer a portal to the Blasted Lands near the Dark Portal.
- Once crossing through the Dark Portal, players can access a flight path directly from the Stair of Destiny to Shattrath.
- A new zeppelin docking ramp has been added to Thunder Bluff allowing Horde players easier transport to and from Orgrimmar.
- New druid art for Cat Form and Bear Form has been added. There are now five unique color schemes for each form and faction.
- Mana Regeneration: All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.
- All pets now receive 40% of their master's resilience and 100% of their master's spell penetration.
- All new Argent Crusader daily quests and rewards have been added for players with the Crusader title. Rewards include a new Argent Crusader banner and tabard (which can port players to the tournament grounds), a mounted squire (can periodically run bank, mail or vendor errands for the player), a paladin-exclusive Argent Crusader Charger mount, and new heirloom items.
Mounts ====- The cast time for summoning any ground or flying mount is now 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
- Apprentice Riding (Skill 75): Can now be learned at level 20 for 4g . Mail will be sent to players who reach level 20 directing them to the riding trainer.
- Journeyman Riding (Skill 150): Can now be learned at level 40 for 50g . Mail will be sent to players who reach level 40 directing them back to the riding trainer.
- Expert Riding (Skill 225): Can now be learned at level 60 for 600g from trainers in Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Faction discounts now apply (Honor Hold for Alliance; Thrallmar for Horde). Flight speed at this skill level has been increased to 150% of run speed, up from 60%.
Dungeons & Raids ============- Construction of the Crusaders' Coliseum is complete including new 10 and 25 man instances and lots of new quests in the Argent Tournament area.
- In order to allow for parties and raids to progress through instances at their own pace, players can now extend a dungeon or raid ID on an individual basis. Existing or recently expired IDs can be extended via the Social tab under Raid by clicking on Raid Info. The ID of any instance to which a player is saved can be extended. Doing so will extend the lockout period by the same amount of time as the original lockout and an ID can be extended more than once.
- Looting: Players will now be able to trade soulbound items with other raid or group members that were eligible for the loot. This system will work like the Item Buy Back system and allow 2 hours for players to trade an item after it has been looted.
- 25-player raids will no longer be referred to as Heroic versions of a raid, as there is a new distinction between normal and Heroic modes for both 10 and 25 player versions of the Crusaders’ Coliseum.
- Emblem System Changes
- Both the 10 and 25 player instances of the Crusaders' Coliseum drop a new [Emblem of Triumph]. - Any dungeons that previously dropped [Emblems of Heroism] or [Emblem of Valor], such as Naxx or Heroic HoS, will now drop [Emblems of Conquest] instead. Emblems of Conquest can still be converted to Valor or Heroism. - The heroic dungeon daily quest will now reward 2 Emblems of Triumph and the normal daily dungeon quest will reward 1 Emblem of Triumph. - The existing achievements to collect 1, 25, 50, etc. Emblems of Heroism, Valor, and Conquest have been converted to Feats of Strength since Heroism and Valor Emblems are no longer attainable. - New achievements have been added to collect various amounts of any combination of emblems.
PVP ===- New Isle of Conquest 40 v 40 PVP battleground
- Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (hks not included). Players who do not wish to gain experience through PvP can visit Behsten in Stormwind or Slahtz in Orgrimmar and turn off all experience accumulation for the cost of 10 gold. Disabling experience gains will prevent a player from gaining experience through any means available in the game.
Interface ======- Quest creatures and objects will now show on the player’s world map.
- A skull graphic where players can find creatures they must kill for a quest. - A skull graphic where creatures can be found that must be killed in order to collect quest objects. - A gear/cogwheel where players must loot quest objects found in the world. - A chat bubble graphic where players must interact with a specific NPC for a quest. - A yellow question mark graphic to provide the location of a NPC whose quest the player has completed.
- Vendor prices will now be listed on items whether or not players are at a vendor.
Copyright ©2002-2025 Alex Galbraith
Version 2.2 Build 10 |